Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bivariate Choropleth Map- Poverty statistics of America

Map of the United States
This bivariate map is very interesting as it portrays the 50 states of the U.S. and the distribution of poverty in the states.  There seems to be a dividing line in the middle of the country, with the Northern half of the country experiencing very low poverty rates, while the Southern half of the country experiencing very high poverty rates.  One might often think the opposite of what the data portrays, with the favorable climate of the south, yet the numbers don't lie.

Univariate Choropleth map

A univariate choropleth map is one that displays a single variable or attribute over a large area, and its magnitude.  The data is displayed generally by a similar color scheme.  This map shows the distribution of hay throughout counties in the United States.  The counties with the most hay are shaded a dark green, with counties producing less hay outlined in light green.

Planimetric Map

Planimetric Features
A planimetric map shows how a developed area has been planned and zoned.  It portrays features such as roads industrial buildings, residential buildings, etc.  It ignores topography, and vegetation, only showing the anthropocentric nature of the geographic area portrayed.  This is a planimetric map of a location in North Carolina.

Standardized Choropleth map- GDP

A standardized choropleth map compares a similar data set or variable shared by different places through a systematic classification system.  The map above show a comparison of GDP throughout the countries of the world.  The countries with high GDP are filled in dark blue, while the countries with low GDP are colored light blue

Classed Choropleth map

The map above is an example of a classed choropleth map.  Maps of this type display data through a color visualization method.  Each color correlates to a certain range of data output for a certain county.  This classed choropleth map portrays beef cattle emissions in 18992 in all the counties in North Carolina.  The deeper in the red the county gets, the higher they're emissions are.

Cadastral map

A cadastral map shows how a geographic area is developed, or plans got be developed.    It shows the locations of roads, buildings, infrastructure, rivers, greenways, etc.  A cadastral map can be very useful in places like theme parks, malls, and college campuses.

Propaganda map

A propaganda map is a visual falsification of anything, as to influence people to think a certain way.   This map has a very American view, as it classifies the world according to Ronald Reagan.  It is very bias toward U.S. interests, which is clear with how large the United States appears on the map.